Tarkine Wilderness Honey

Taste the wild. Our Tarkine Wilderness Honey is renown for its unique flavour and superb quality. This owes much to the placement of our beehives deep in the Tarkine rainforests. We do this for extended periods, allowing our bees to collect nectar from the blossoms of a diverse range of native rainforest plants in one of the most natural, undisturbed wilderness settings on the planet.

This means the flavour and aroma of this wilderness honey can vary naturally – deliciously – from batch to batch, season to season; it provides lovers of high quality honey with a truly unique taste. Or ‘gastronomic experience’ if you prefer.

Our process of cold extraction ensures that our Wilderness Honey retains all of the flavours and aromas of the wilderness; it’s pure, wild honey. 100% natural of course.

Available Sizes: 125g, 250g, 500g, 1kg, 3kg


Tarkine Wilderness Honey