A family business with a passion for quality honey.

About Blue Hills Honey

A tradition of producing consistently high-quality honey is reflected in Blue Hills Honey’s company history: so too is our commitment to customer service. Blue Hills also reflects the expertise garnered from a long-established, successful family business of three generations: a business which is growing, innovative and competing globally.Blue Hills

Blue Hills enjoys an ongoing, professional involvement with the honey industry. This is underlined by our consistently attaining relevant accreditations as well as making significant contributions to the development of the honey industry.

When our founders, Reuben and Beryl Charles, established honey production here in 1955 the couple started a family business focused on quality as its hallmark. Since then, as the timeline below illustrates, Blue Hills has flourished and remains at the forefront of honey production today.

Proudly, Blue Hills Honey remains a family company.

Timeline since 1955


Botanical lines of honey released.

Opening café, Interpretation centre and gift store. Expansion of the packing room and offices.


Cool store and additional warehouse space.


Process facility expansion.


Dedicated Exports Manager appointed.


Robbie and Nicola Charles both elected to the Tasmanian Bee Keepers Executive.

New high-grade honey packing facility and warehouse opened.


Tasmanian Active Honey Group formed. Blue Hills Honey (Australia Quality Honey PTY LTD) is a founding member.


The launch of a new line, Tasmanian Manuka Honey.

Facilitation of testing of active honey in Australia by an independent Tasmanian Laboratory using HPLC method as per Dresden University Germany.


Discovery of Active Leptospermum Honey in Tasmania by Blue Hills Honey.

Organic accreditation with the Organic Food Chain 0498 and USDA 0498. Organic product range launched.


HALAL accreditation.


Establishment of a packaging facility for retail and export markets.

First Australian producer to introduce the industry initiated BQUAL quality programme based on HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) principles.


Robbie Charles married Nicola who took on the roles of Business Manager, Sales and Marketing.


Robbie Charles began managing the business.


Reuben Charles is awarded the OAM (Order of Australia medal) for services to beekeeping.

Sir Guy Green Presenting OAM for Beekeeping Services to Rueben 300x217 1

Hon. Sir Guy Green (left) presenting Reuben Charles the OAM.


First Australian firm to export honey to Japan.


Reuben Charles and his wife Beryl expanded production to some 1600 hives and saw the business develop into a major Tasmanian bulk honey producer.

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